只要……就…… The Structure "只要……,就……"

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动作的状态“要……了” "要……了" Indicating the State of an Action


The structure "快要/快/就要/要……了" indicates that something is going to happen. For example:

Subject Predicate
快要/快/就要/要 V(+O)
火车 快要 了。
下雨 了。
新的一年 快要 了。

If there is an adverbial of time in the sentence, then only "就要……了" can be used. For example:

Adverbial of Time
Subject Predicate
就要 V(+O)
下个月 我们 就要 回国 了。
明天 姐姐 就要 了。
下个星期 我们 就要 考试 了。



The structure "一……就……" (...as soon as…) can indicate two events happening one immediately after the other. The two events may or may not share the same subject. For example:

  • 100年前,塑料一出现就受到人们的普遍欢迎。
  • 等女儿一回来我就告诉她这个好消息。

"一……就……" can also mean "If..., then...", in which "一" is followed by a situation that indicates a condition, and "就" is followed by a situation that would occur under the condition. The two situations may or may not share the same subject. For example:

  • 儿子小时候一说话就脸红,回答老师问题的时候声音也很小,我当时很为他担心。

  • 父母必须让孩子从小就知道,不是所有的东西一哭就能得到。

  • 妈妈一进房间,他就把手机装了起来。

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